October 12, 2018 was a very emotional moment for the staff of Everwell Cameroon Cable and Engineering S.A., the third subsidiary of the Hebei Huatong Wires and Cable Co., Ltd. group, and the people of Douala, Bonabéri.
The Minister of Mines Industry and Technological Development of Cameroon Mr. Ernest GBWABOUBOU accompanied by the governor of the coastal region, the deputy prefect of Douala IV and the Mayor of the municipality of IV proceed to inauguration of the production factory at Bonabéri in the presence of the Hebei Huatong Wires and Cable Co. group, Ltd., Chairman, Mr. ZHANG Wenyong, the Director General of Everwell Cameroon Cable, Mr. WANG Hong Yang, various guests and all staff.
The site, surface of one (01) hectare shelters offices, dining hall, production mill and storage space for different product.
Thes investment, of over USD 100 million shows the strong ties of Sino-Cameroonian cooperation as stated in his special speech Mr. The Minister of Mines
You can feel the emotion of the moment througth the following images as well as the occasional speeches of our prestigious guests.